During Saturday night’s award ceremony at the Cannes Film Festival, Director and screenwriter Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel received the Caméra d’Or – the Golden Camera – for his work on the feature film Armand at the Cannes Film Festival.

The Caméra d’or is one of the prestigious awards at the Cannes Festival, given annually to a debut film in one of the festival’s programs. This is the second award given to Tøndel and the creators of Armand, as the film received the sound award Prix de la meilleure création sonere in Cannes on Friday for the sound work by Mats Lid Støten and composer Ella van der Woude.

Synopsis: During one fatal afternoon in an empty elementary school the two mothers of Armand and Jon get into a desperate fight to be believed when one son is accused of crossing boundaries against the other. All means are used, and soon a blend of madness, desire and obsession arises. Where the truth lies is impossible to know, and soon everything evolves less and less around the children, who we never meet, and more about the adults.

Starring Renate Reinsve, winner of the palme for Best Female Actress for her role in Joachim Trier’s The Worst Person in the World during the Cannes Film Festival 2021.

Director and script: Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel. Producer: Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, Eye Eye Pictures. Executive Producer: Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, in co-production with Film i Väst, Stina Eriksson and Alicia Hansen, Prolaps Produktion, Koji Nelissen and Derk-Jan Warrink, Keplerfilm, Fred Burle and Sol Bondy, One Two Films. Distribution: Norsk Filmdistribusjon