Why are they doing like this? Why will they do like this 2030? – A reflection about the future purpose for film and audiovisual policies. Will a multifaceted Europe converge or diverge? What do the different purposes and logics mean for producers and co-productions in the future?

Here you can watch the seminar.


Keynote: Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Film i Väst Analysis

Moderator: Philippe Reynaert, Xanadu

Expert and commentor: Claus Ladegaard, Danish Film Institute


  • Carlo Cresto-Dina, Producer Tempesta Film
  • Louise Vesth, Producer Zentropa
  • Marija Razguté, Producer M-films
  • Marta Donzelli, Producer Vivo Film

Europe is a multifaceted continent politically and economically. It has for many years had different core principles and models for audiovisual policies and practices.

The effects of digitalisation and globalisation have challenged traditions and ways of thinking both in politics and in the film agency’s practical application of this, but there are also other challenges such as the balance between cultural and economic policy purposes, between selective and automatic funding, between focus on cinema films and/or platform neutrality. It is more difficult to identify possible common European positions.

On what basis should collaborations and co-production be built? How important will European collaboration in the sector be and what purposes will it serve in an increasingly globalised world? What will happen with structures and business models for production companies and/or structures and business models that affect the operations of the production companies? And how should the sector manoeuvre in the increasingly politically polarised landscape?

Film i Väst Analysis webpage

Venice Production Bridge webpage

The event is hosted by Film i Väst and Venice Production Bridge.

The event is open for public and accreditation.