During Berlin Film Festival Film i Väst arranges a seminar with a keynote speach by Tomas Eskilsson, Film i Väst Analysis on ”Less is more… or not – how should Europ strengthen its competitiveness”. The panelists producer Jens Meurer, strategy advisor Doreen Boonekamp and producer Thomas Robsahm will be moderated by journalist Wendy Mitchell.

In many European countries and regions film and audiovisual policies are reformed.  The ambition is most often to strengthen the competitiveness of the specific territory. The new proposed objectives are almost always linked to the will to improve domestic contents performance and position.

Significantly greater support for fewer films has been seen as crucial for the nation’s/Europe’s films to be able to strengthen their own position and reach and engage a larger audience.

In Berlin, we will gather for a conversation on how Europe, and not least film and audiovisual policy and film agencies, can contribute to strengthening competitiveness. Is the conclusion still that a central and necessary measure is to overcome overproduction. What conflict of aims can arise, and can they be avoided?

On stage:

  • Tomas Eskilsson, Film i Väst Analysis, opens the discussion with a keynote based on the research linked to the “Public Film Funding at a Crossroads” research project
  • Wendy Mitchell, Screen International, but most important Europe’s and the film festival circuits star moderator, and she moderates this seminar of course
  • Jens Meurer, producer/documentary film maker at Egoli Tossell Film, member of the Green Party Film Initiative, involved in brainstorming the new film politics in Germany
  • Doreen Boonekamp, independent strategy advisor, previous CEO, Netherlands Film Fund
  • Thomas Robsahm, producer, Nordisk Film/Amarcord, he has also worked as “filmkonsulent” at the Norwegian Film Institute

We are happy to meet you at the Berlinale!

When: February 17, at 3-4.30pm, followed by a cocktail (4.30-5.30pm)

Where: Hilton Hotel, Mohrenstrasse 30, Berlin

Contact at Film i Väst:

Ulrika Grönérus, Head of Communications, ulrika.gronerus@filmivast.se

For practical questions about the event:

Sigrid Bersmann, Marketing & Events, sigrid.bersmann@filmivast.se